2011 Highlights

  • Sleepwalk Guitar Festival (event)

Records Released

Honeymoon Punch, Jenn Grant, 01/02

Femmes de chez nous, Christine Fellows, 02/01

Let The Rain Fall, Good Lovelies, 22/02

Palomino, Trampled by Turtles 10/05

The Place I Left Behind, The Deep Dark Woods,02/08

Draw Blood, Wagons, 16/08

The Curse of Lightning. Wagons, 16/08

The Rise and Fall of Goodtown, Wagons, 16/08

Rumble, Shake and Tumble, Wagons, 16/08

Whitehorse, Whitehorse, 30/08

Young and Old, Harlan Pepper, 18/10

Artists Signed

Whitehorse (label & management)

Harlan Pepper (label)

Trampled by Turtles (label)

Wagons (label)