Blast No. 38 | November 12th, 2021

Dispatch From The Cosmos: JULY TALK Release "I Am Water," A Scorpio Season Song Baby

Your Sun is in Scorpio, a fixed water sign. You are water. Just as the tide is controlled by the moon, you are ruled by the vast force of your emotions. You can’t stop the flood.

Instead, give in and see where it leads you. Your intuition is your compass. Use it to connect with your shadow self and confront your fear of loss. Yes there are fires and there is death, but destruction is a necessary passage towards rebirth.

With an Aquarius Moon it is likely that you are a rational thinker with a perceptive mind and altruistic instincts. You are drawn to the unknown and strive to understand the world through a humanitarian lens. But there are things that you can’t know. Often you may find yourself lost in thought, pondering your own existence. Does it make you feel you don’t really matter?

As a Leo Rising, you have magnetic energy. Others see you as the life of the party, and when you enter the room you start to sparkle before them. Don’t lose sight of the big picture and be ready to accept that you are not more important than anything else.