--Six Shooter Bullets --

May 2009, Vol. 06, No. 05

This is how we like to live. It's how we like to rock.

Hi there! In this issue:

  1. Justin Rutledge rocks the Mod Club (with NQ!) + other shows this weekend

  2. Melissa McClelland celebrates Victoria Day in the USA

  3. Dave Bidini releases The Land is Wild (Pheromone Recordings) at his June 6 Hoser March

  4. Jenn Grant embarks on national tour

  5. Shout Out Out Out Out named one of the Top Ten Best New Bands on Earth

  6. Big news. Very Important.

  7. Soccer Mom Records launches new Jason Plumb album about Saskatchewan

  8. Festival Season begins!

  9. In studio: Hawksley Workman, Luke Doucet, Royal Wood, Amelia Curran, Christine Fellow, NQ Arbuckle, Justin Rutledge

  10. Contest: Missing Royal Wood? Find him here at his secret show

  11. Tour Dates

Do You ever feel like you are the last one on the planet to try grilling Haloumi cheese? This is like a metaphor for my life (although I do mean it quite literally). I need to find a way to soak Twitter in Vodka and barbeque that bitch just to stay cutting edge. Damn kids today, grumble grumble.


There is nothing we like better than a Six Shooter double bill. Why? Because it instantly makes me think of an abomination of a platypus with two bills featuring three nostrils apiece, and that's just heelarious. Well, no, I don't really think of that, I just kind of wanted to say it to see if it was true (nopers). Double bills generally make me think of drive-in movie theatres, back when they still existed. I feel old now, thanks a lot. Luckily, the truth behind a Six Shooter double bill (at least in this instance), is that it means we get to stumble over to the Mod Club this Friday night after pre-gaming at the Six Shooter store, and heckle not only NQ Arbuckle, but also Justin Rutledge! Oh waitasec, it's an early show! Doors at the perfectly civil hour of 7:00! I guess we'll be post-gaming instead, and likely too shy to heckle. Cool Six Shooter fans already know that Justin also performs in Kingston and Peterborough this weekend (and if you wanna join team cool, you can check tour deets for dates... or the dates for deets, either one works). Also watch for a new video by Justin for his song, A Penny for the Band, which is filming tomorrow at familiar Toronto locales including one of our favorite watering holes, the newly reno'd Cadillac Lounge. Our other favorite watering hole is the El Camino Lounge, which is actually just a broken down Cruck (Trar?) in our back lot. Throw a bean bag chair in there, and that's livin'!


Melissa McClelland has been lighting up audiences across Canada and Europe, and even the sovereign state of Hamilton, but now it's America's turn to get theirs. Americana radio stations in the USA are loving Melissa's new album, with Victoria Day landing in the Top Five Adds last week. "Americana radio stations in the USA" is funny to me btw, perhaps due to my gangsta wit (or my sheer idiocy, hard to tell sometimes). Our USA fans better start making giant signs covered in glitter glue, because they will be able to check Melissa out in Brooklyn, Manhattan, Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Francisco in the next couple of weeks, starting with this Wednesday night with a show at Union Hall in Brooklyn. For those Canucks in the cyber-crowd still pining for Victoria Day, you can check out Melissa on the cover of this week's Ottawa Xpress.


So we've all been mega fans of Dave Bidini and his trend-setting fashion sense in his days as guitarist and singer of our beloved Rheostatics. And we're even more thrilled about all his fantastic feats of creative strength since then. We're talking book writin', theatre production scorin' and Homeless Soccer League documentary makin'! Geez, dude makes me feel like a slacker! His latest effort is his first solo-album, The Land is Wild (Pheromone Recordings) -- a collection of Hoser ballads about cannibalism, lesbian school teachers and dead hockey players, y'know, pretty standard stuff. He'll be parading the new band and the new songs AND YOU down the streets of Toronto as he leads The Hoser March on Saturday, June 6. Catch Bidiniband at Soundscapes (College) at 4 pm and follow the fun from there. The whole thing is free (well, except for the smoking hot show at the Horseshoe) and there will be lots of cool things going on. Be sure to wear your flannel jacket and rubber boots, even if it's sunny! Check it:

The Hoser March
4:30 Soundscapes: Bidiniband performs in-store concert
5:15 She Said Boom: Claudia Day reading
6:00 This Ain't the Rosedale Library: Brian O'Dea reading + Justin Rutledge acoustic solo performance
6:30 Paul's Boutique, OUTSIDE: Gregory Samsung
7:00 Graffiti's: Stephen Stanley + Ron Hawkins
7:30 Scadding Court Park: The Imponderables
8:15 Cameron House: The Billie Hollies and Aurora Brown
9:00 The Horseshoe Tavern: BidiniBand CD Release party w/ Laura Barrett


Since the triumphant release of her sophomore disc, Echoes, this past February-ebruary-bruary-ary-ry, Jenn has been rocking the four star reviews and cover stories (Toronto Star, Ottawa XPress, The Coast), star-studded SXSW shows, sold out east coast dates and a special Grammy-related performance at the Canadian Consulate in LA. She's even turned the heads of the coffee drinking moguls at Starbucks, who featured Jenn as their Pick of the Week. All that's really left on Jenn's to-do list is to dress up like Nosferatu and dance around to Lady Gaga in front of a Criss Angel "Mind Freak" poster (like this: www.youtube.com/watch). Or... maybe instead, Jenn will bridge east to west when she heads on a two week Canadian tour, starting at Ottawa's WestFest, joining Danny Michel in Waterloo, then heading off to Vancouver and finishing up at the Lo Pub in Winnipeg on June 26. The bulk of the western shows are with our good pal Dan Mangan (one of the most fun names to say everrrr). See tourdates below for more info.

Also, Jenn Grant and labelmate Amelia Curran lead a pack of fantastic female singwriters (see what I did there?) who are featured on a new compilation called Atlantic Voices (Warner), which hits the street running on May 26 (todayeeee!).


One of the UK's leading music magazines, Q mag, has included Shout Out Out Out Out in a feature in their June issue. Oh ya, no big deal, they just named SO4 as one of the 10 best new bands ON EARTH. They also used the word "portaloo" in their enthusiastic description of one of Shout Out Out Out Out's SXSW performances, and we're pretty sure means that they are hella stoked.


Just when we thought we couldn't get any more excited about finding ourselves (spiritually and geographically) on Google Maps, the NY Times went and upped the ante by posting a photo of our store on the internutz! I’m not a great judge of numbers, but I’ll bet that at least a hundred people look at the internet EVERY DAY! This is so huge. Looky:



We'd like to congratulate Soccer Mom Records on the release of Jason Plumb's new album, Wide Open Music: Songs for Saskatchewan, on June 9, 2009. Here, Jason turns the songwriting spotlight on the unsung (well, until now) hero province of Saskatchewan, a Canadian institution of provincial awesomeness that has borne many of our national symbols, from the Mounties to medicare to The Waltons (how convenient!). From Wascana Lake to the humble (yet delicious and plentiful) Saskatoon berry, Jason offers a unique take on geography, fusing personal emotion (such as "happy" and "sad") and experience with environment. Wide Open Music contains re-recordings of Waltons' songs alongside new tracks that have already found a home in Saskatchewan's collective imagination, including a theme song for the Saskatchewan Roughriders, which everyone knows is the coolest Roughriders franchise ever.

The first CD release party is in Jason's home town of Regina on June 13. He then heads east for a bunch of Ontario dates and a couple of slammin' appearances at NXNE and a rousing set at Hugh's Room. See Tour Dates for more info.


We love summer. We especially love summer, because summer means Mojitos. Actually, this year I am declaring summer to be the season of the Pimm's cup, given that I feel strongly about it being officially time for the Pimm's cup to push the Mojito into second place for most refreshing and delicious back yard beverage. Summer is also especially radical due to all of the summer festivals, and as usual, we have a ton of artists playing a ton of great festivals all summer long, possibly wearing Bermuda shorts and giant sunglasses. Amelia Curran kicks off festival season with an appearance at Kerrville Folk Festival on June 7, and lemme tell ya, that is just the beginning. Check out Six Shooter artists all summer long across the country at Evolve (Antigonish, NS), Stan Rogers Folk Festival (Cansos, NS), Mariposa Folk Festival (Orillia, ON), Hillside Festival (Guelph, ON), Northern Lights Festival (Sudbury, ON), Home County Festival (London, ON), Stewart Park Festival (Perth, ON), Ottawa Blues Festival, Ottawa Folk Festival, Wolfe Island, Windsong, Harbourfront (Toronto, ON), Winnipeg Folk Festival, Gimli Icelandic Festival, Regina Folk Festival, Calgary Folk Festival, Canmore Folk Festival, Folk on the Rocks (Yellowknife), Salmon Arm Festival.... am I forgetting something? Probably. Yes, I did. How could I forget the Oppikoppi Festival who are welcoming Luke and Melissa to South Africa this summer? WHAT?! Oh yeah, I said it. South Africa. Luke and Melissa. In yo' face!!!


Wow, there are so many projects in the works right now, it's hard to contain our excitement! @%#JDKUE&@E%BLABBITYBLOOAAAAH!!!!

Amelia Curran is putting the finishing touches on her next album, to be released September 1 of this year, which we are considering releasing alongside a downloadable onion log (or perhaps an "awesome blossom"). Seriously, though, we are hella stoked about Amelia's next release, which we are predicting to be the folkbuster of the century. Christine Fellows has been writing and recording her heart out, and may emerge from her residency at St. Boniface with two or possibly three new albums, and perhaps a fedora (but don't count on it, not really her steez). Royal Wood Pierre Marchand crafting the most beautiful album ever, as well as the most beautiful smile (awwwwww). And so is Hawksley Workman (on the album tip, not the smile, as there can only be one leader in the smile race, and we already agreed to give that title to Royal, even though Hawksley's smile is pretty bitchin' too), who has been working hard on what might turn out to be two different albums, or at least one album and a birch bark canoe, and then he goes into the studio to produce Justin Rutledge's next album, but not his lovechild, as this is not actually possible (yet). Luke Doucet goes into the studio next month with Andrew Scott from Sloan with the thinly veiled intent to get into a heated one-arm pushup contest while pretending to be "working on an album". NQ Arbuckle has been working furiously with Carolyn Mark to finish their collaborative effort, tentatively titled 'Chef Boy Am I Furious', due out this fall. Oh, and rumour has it that Martin Tielli really is finished his long-awaited box set. No joke necessary. Let's hope we can get it in people's hands before he has to change the date yet again on the cover (from 2003 to 2004 to 2005 to 2006 to 2007 to 2008 to 2009... to 2000abillion).


Since the release of his stunning EP Lost & Found, Royal Wood has been selling out all kinds of shows all over the place with all sorts of fanfare. Seriously duuuude. I have never seen Hugh's Room Nosferatu and dance to Lady Gaga!" etc). He'll be playing a secret show on Wednesday, June 3. (Ok, so it's not entirely secret that he's playing said show, but you're never going to find out where it's taking place unless you enter in to win tickets, or maybe, but not really, text "booya" to *royalisthrowingabigsecretrave) You can most definitely enter to win tickets through NOW Magazine, Torontoist or by e-mailing your best getting lost or being found story to caitlin@sixshooterrecords.com with LOST & FOUND in the subject line. Once when I was a lil' kid, I got lost trying to find the bathroom on Laguna beach. True story, it was traumatizing.


06.07.09 - KERRVILLE TX - Kerrville Folk Festival
07.03.09 - CANSO NS - Stanfest
07.04.09 - CANSO NS - Stanfest
07.05.09 - CANSO NS - Stanfest
07.09.09 - WINNIPEG MB - Winnipeg Folk Festival
07.01.09 - WINNIPEG MB - Winnipeg Folk Festival
07.11.09 - WINNIPEG MB - Winnipeg Folk Festival
07.12.09 - WINNIPEG MB - Winnipeg Folk Festival
08.06.09 - QUEBEC QC - International de Musique de Quebec
08.07.09 - QUEBEC QC - International de Musique de Quebec
08.08.09 - QUEBEC QC - International de Musique de Quebec
08.13.09 - CARENVILLE NL
08.14.09 - WOODY POINT NL - Woody Point Writers Festival
08.17.09 - TRINITY NL - The Twine Loft
08.21.09 - OTTAWA ON - Ottawa Folk Festival
08.22.09 - OTTAWA ON - Ottawa Folk Festival
08.23.09 - OTTAWA ON - Ottawa Folk Festival
09.03.09 - ST JOHN'S NF - Holy Heart of Mary


06.04.09 - ST. CATHARINES ON - The Mansion House
06.05.09 - WATERLOO ON - Maxwell's Music House
06.11.09 - HAMILTON ON - The Casbah
06.12.09 - LONDON ON - London Music Club
06.17.09 - PETERBOROUGH ON - Montreal House
06.18.09 - OTTAWA ON (Wakefield, QC) - The Blacksheep Inn
06.25.09 - NIAGARA FALLS ON - 4 Triple 5 CafŽ & Wine Bar
07.24.09 - GUELPH ON - Hillside
07.25.09 - GUELPH ON - Hillside
07.26.09 - GUELPH ON - Hillside
08.10.09 - WOLFE ISLAND ON - Wolfe Island Festival


06.27.09 - SMITHERS BC - Midsummer Festival
06.28.09 - SMITHERS BC - Midsummer Festival
07.01.09 - VICTORIA BC - Canada Day Celebration
07.03.09 - SUDBURY ON - Northern Lights Festival Boreal
07.18.09 - LONDON ON - Home Country Folk Festival (Aeolian Hall)
07.19.09 - DETROIT MI - The Magic Stick
08.01.09 - HAPPY VALLEY OR - Pickathon
08.02.09 - HAPPY VALLEY OR - Pickathon
08.07.09 - KITCHENER ON - Kitchener Blues Fest
08.09.09 - TORONTO ON - Toronto's Festival of Beer
08.14.09 - SALMON ARM BC - Salmon Arm Roots and Blues Festival
08.15.09 - SALMON ARM BC - Salmon Arm Roots and Blues Festival
08.16.09 - SALMON ARM BC - Salmon Arm Roots and Blues Festival


06.06.09 - VANCOUVER BC - Railway Club (FaceFest)
06.19.09 - VICTORIA BC - Sugar
06.22.09 - VANCOUVER, BC - Railway Club
07.20.09 - Vancouver BC - The Biltmore


06.29.09 - OTTAWA ON - Vinyl Cafe
07.04.09 - SUDBURY ON - Northern Lights Festival
07.10.09 - HINTON AB - Wild Mountain Music Festival
07.11.09 - CALGARY AB - Flames Central
07.30.09 - LONDON ON - Grand Theatre
08.12.09 - HUNTSVILLE ON - Algonquin Theatre


06.13.09 - REGINA SK - The Distrikt *CD RELEASE SHOW
06.17.09 - WATERLOO ON - Maxwell's
06.18.09 - TORONTO ON - NXNE
06.19.09 - TORONTO ON - NXNE
06.20.09 - TORONTO ON - NXNE / C'est What
06.23.09 - HAMILTON ON - Casbah
06.24.09 - LONDON ON - London Music Club
06.25.09 - TORONTO ON - Hugh's Room


06.11.09 - GUELPH ON - Carden Street Cafe
06.12.09 - OTTAWA ON - Westfest
06.13.09 - MONTREAL QC - Fringe Pop
06.15.09 - BURNSTOWN ON - Neat Coffee Shop
06.16.09 - WATERLOO ON - Starlight Room w/ Danny Michel
06.17.09 - WATERLOO ON - Starlight Room w/ Danny Michel
06.18.09 - TORONTO ON - NxNE Songwriter Night / Lee's Palace
06.22.09 - VANCOUVER BC - The Biltmore
06.23.09 - CALGARY AB - Marquee Room w/ Dan Mangan
06.24.09 - EDMONTON AB - Haven Social Club w/ Dan Mangan
06.25.09 - SASKATOON SK - Amigo's Cafe w/ Dan Mangan
06.26.09 - WINNIPEG MB - The Lo Pub w/ Dan Mangan
07.03.09 - ORILLIA ON - Mariposa Folk Festival
07.05.09 - SUDBURY ON - Northern Lights Festival
07.12.09 - OTTAWA ON - Ottawa Blues Fest
07.24.09 - TORONTO ON - Harbourfront Centre


05.29.09 - TORONTO ON - The Mod Club
05.30.09 - KINGSTON ON - The Living Room
05.31.09 - PETERBOROUGH ON - Montreal House
07.23.09 - CALGARY AB - Calgary Folk Festival
07.24.09 - CALGARY AB - Calgary Folk Festival
07.25.09 - CALGARY AB - Calgary Folk Festival
07.26.09 - CALGARY AB - Calgary Folk Festival
08.29.09 - POWASSAN ON - Windsong Music Festival
06.30-08.01 - OTTAWA ON - Major's Hill Park
09.11.09 - TORONTO ON - Junction Arts Festival
09.12.09 - TORONTO ON - Junction Arts Festival
09.13.09 - TORONTO ON - Junction Arts Festival


07.09.09 - LOS ANGELES CA - The Mint
07.12.09 - VIENNA VA - Jammin' Java w/ the Cliks Five
07.13.09 - PHILADELPHIA PA - World Cafe Live
07.14.09 - CAMBRIDGE AM - TT The Bear's
07.16.09 - NEW YORK NY - The Mercury Lounge
08.09.09 - CHICAGO IL - Lollapalooza (in Lou Reed's band)


05.29.09 - SUNDERLAND ON - Sunderland Arena w/ Blue Rodeo
05.30.09 - BALA ON - The Kee w/ Blue Rodeo
06.27.09 - CALGARY AB - Parkland
06.28.09 - CALGARY AB - Parkland
07.03.09 - ORILLIA ON - Mariposa Folk Festival
07.04.09 - ORILLIA ON - Mariposa Folk Festival
07.05.09 - ORILLIA ON - Mariposa Folk Festival
07.17.09 - DAWSON CITY YT - Dawson City Folk Festival
07.18.09 - DAWSON CITY YT - Dawson City Folk Festival
07.19.09 - DAWSON CITY YT - Dawson City Folk Festival
08.01.09 - CANMORE AB - Canmore Folk Festival
08.02.09 - CANMORE AB - Canmore Folk Festival
08.03.09 - CANMORE AB - Canmore Folk Festival


05.27.09 - BROOKLYN NY - Union Hall
05.28.09 - NEW YORK CITY NY - The Living Room 7pm
06.01.09 - CHICAGO IL - Schubas w/ Sarah Vonderhaar 8pm $8
06.16.09 - LOS ANGELES CA - Hotel Cafe 7pm
06.17.09 - SAN FRANCISCO CA - Hotel Utah 9pm
07.16.09 - DAWSON CITY YT - Dawson City Music Festival


05.29.09 - TORONTO ON - The Mod Club w/ Justin Rutledge
07.01.09 - TORONTO ON - Mel Lastman Square


06.03.09 - TORONTO ON - Secret show!
06.30.09 - TORONTO ON - Massey Hall w/ Madeleine Peyroux
07.03.09 - ORILLIA ON - Mariposa Folk Festival
07.04.09 - ORILLIA ON - Mariposa Folk Festival
07.05.09 - ORILLIA ON - Mariposa Folk Festival
07.17.09 - YELLOWKNIFE AB - Folk on the Rocks
07.18.09 - YELLOWKNIFE AB - Folk on the Rocks
07.19.09 - YELLOWKNIFE AB - Folk on the Rocks
08.02.09 - GIMLI MB - Icelandic Festival
08.07.09 - REGINA SK - Regina Folk Festival
08.08.09 - REGINA SK - Regina Folk Festival
08.09.09 - REGINA SK - Regina Folk Festival


06.26.09 - GIBBONS AB - Boonstock Festival
07.14.09 - QUEBEC CITY PQ - Festival D'ete Ð Theatre Imperial
07.16.09 - OTTAWA ON - Ottawa Blues Festival
07.18.09 - ANTIGONISH NS - Evolve Festival


07.18.09 - FALKENBERG SWEDEN - Stalboms

06.13.09 - EDMONTON AB - Gay Pride
07.01.09 - EDMONTON AB - Pawn Shop - Canada Day Show

K thx bai,
Six Shooterz

This was: Six Shooter Bullets, Vol. 6., No. 5

Title track: From "We Like to Rock', track 3 of Bidiniband's new album, "The Land is Wild."

Six Shooter Records
Box 98038, 970 Queen St. E.
Toronto, ON M4M 1J0

Life is too short to listen to shitty music.